Services Offered by Healthy Climate Solutions

Enhance your knowledge of barn climate, animal health, and behavior monitoring.
Choose one of our training sessions:




Knowledge Session for Veterinarians and Farm Advisers

  • Expand knowledge on barn climate and animal behavior
  • Peer support through intervision, guided knowledge session
  • Interpretation of measurements and animal behavior in the barn
  • Learning from each other's cases

Knowledge Session on Emission Reduction at the Source

  • Enhance knowledge of barn emissions and systems
  • Contribute to the future of livestock farming
  • Sources of emission and risk factors
  • Emission measurements in the barn
  • Emission reduction strategy at the source

Healthy Climate Monitor Basic Training

  • Train new users to utilize the HCM
  • Aligning business goals regarding the use of HCMs
  • Background information on barn climate, animal behavior, and health
  • Practical usage: placement, network connection, cleaning, maintenance
  • Use of web portal: features, data access, privacy
  • Data and photo analysis

Healthy Climate Monitor Pro Training

  • Update knowledge for the correct use of HCMs
  • Align users on the same page
  • Advanced use of the HCM portal
  • Aligning business goals regarding research with HCMs
  • Explanation of new product and portal functionalities in detail
  • Workshop on pro web portal expert functionalities
    • Automatic notifications based on measurements
    • Advanced data analysis, filters, and correlations
    • Research and business comparisons

Create Research in HCM Pro Portal

  • Set up and guide research across multiple companies
  • Setting up research across multiple companies
  • Data consent and communication with respondents
  • Setting up research-related checklists
  • Data processing: downloading and API connections

Book a training course?

Do you have questions about the content of one of our training courses, or would you like to book a training?
Contact us at or call 085-0604756